Mixed Statistics on 01-Fillings of Moon Polyominoes
William Y. C. Chen, Andrew Y. Z. Wang, Catherine H. Yan, and Alina F. Y. Zhao
Abstract: We establish a stronger symmetry between
the numbers of northeast and southeast chains in the context of 01-fillings
of moon polyominoes. Let M be a moon polyomino with n
rows and m columns. Consider all the 01-fillings of M
in which every row has at most one 1. We introduce four mixed
statistics with respect to a bipartition of rows or columns of M.
More precisely, let S ⊆ {1, 2,..., n} and R(S)
be the union of rows whose indices are in S. For any filling
M, the top-mixed (resp. bottom-mixed) statistic α(S;M)
(resp. β(S;M)) is the sum of the number of
northeast chains whose top (resp. bottom) cell is in R(S),
together with the number of southeast chains whose top (resp. bottom)
cell is in the complement of R(S). Similarly, we
define the left-mixed and right-mixed statistics γ(T;M)
and δ(T;M), where T is a subset of
the column index set {1, 2,..., m}. Let λ(A;M)
be any of these four statistics α(S;M), β(S;M),
γ(T;M) and δ(T;M),
we show that the joint distribution of the pair AMS Classification: 05A18, 05A05, 05A15 Keywords: mixed statistic, polyomino, symmetric distribution. Download: PDF |