W.Y.C. Chen,
Recent developments on log-concavity and q-log-concavity of combinatorial polynomials,
22nd International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2010), San Francisco State University, August, 2010.

Cited by

  1. K. Banerjee, Invariants of the quartic binary form and proofs of Chen's conjectures for partition function inequalities, https://www3.risc.jku.at/publications/download/risc_6615/Chen.pdf.

  2. K. Banerjee, New asymptotics and inequalities related to the partition function, Doctoral Thesis, 2022.

  3. K. Banerjee, A unified framework to prove multiplicative inequalities for the partition function, Adv. in Appl. Math. 152 (2024) Paper No. 102590.

  4. K. Banerjee, P. Paule, C.S. Radu and W. Zeng, New inequalities for p(n) and logp(n), Ramanujan J 61 (2023) 1295每1338.

  5. K. Banerjee, P. Paule, C.S. Radu and C. Schneider, Error bounds for the asymptotic expansion of the partition function, arXiv:2209.07887.

  6. B. Benfield, Long Concavity of the Power Partition Function, Master Thesis, 2020.

  7. W.Y.C. Chen, The spt-function of Andrews, In: A. Claesson, M. Dukes, S. Kitaev, D. Manlove and K. Meeks (eds.), Surveys in Combinatorics 2017, 141-203, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2017.

  8. W.Y.C. Chen, D.X.Q. Jia and L.X.W. Wang, Higher order Tur芍n inequalities for the partition function, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 372 (2019) 2143-2165.

  9. W.Y.C. Chen, L.X.W. Wang and G.Y.B. Xie, Finite differences of the logarithm of the partition function, Math. Comp. 85(298) (2016) 825每847.

  10. W.Y.C. Chen and K.Y. Zheng, The log-behavior of $\sqrt[n]{p(n)}$ and $\sqrt[n]{p(n)/n}$, Ramanujan J. 44 (2017) 281-299.

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  22. G. Mukherjee, Asymptotic Growth of $(-1)^{r} {\Delta}^r \log \sqrt[n]{\overline{p}(n)/n^{\alpha}}$ and the Reverse Higher Order Tur\'an Inequalities for $\sqrt[n]{\overline{p}(n)/n^{\alpha}}$, arXiv:2401.05522.

  23. G. Mukherjee, H.W.J. Zhang and Y. Zhong, Higher order log-concavity of the overpartition function and its consequences, Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc. (2) 66(1) (2023) 164每181.

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  26. L.X.W. Wang, G.Y.B. Xie and A.Q. Zhang, Finite difference of the overpartition function, Adv. in Appl. Math. 92 (2018) 51每72.

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