W.Y.C. Chen and A.M. Fu
The Dumont Ansatz for the Eulerian Polynomials, Peak Polynomials and Derivative Polynomials, Ann. Combin. 27(3) (2023) 707-735.

Cited by

  1. W.Y.C. Chen and A.M. Fu A grammatical calculus for peaks and runs of permutations, J. Algebraic Combin. 57(4) (2023) 1139-1162.

  2. R. Ehrenborg, Generating functions for the cd-indices of simplices and cubes, Enumer. Comb. Appl. 4(3) (2024) Article #S2R17.

  3. K.Q. Ji, The $(\alpha,\beta)$-Eulerian polynomials and descent-Stirling statistics on permutations, arXiv:2310.01053.

  4. K.Q. Ji and Z. Lin, The Binomial-Stirling-Eulerian polynomials, arXiv:2310.04969.

  5. S.-M. Ma, J. Yeh and Y.-N. Yeh, Differential operators, grammars and Young tableaux, arXiv:2312.02830.