W.Y.C. Chen, L.X.W. Wang and G.Y.B. Xie,
Finite differences of the logarithm of the partition function,
Math. Comp. 85(298) (2016) 825-847.

Cited by

  1. W.Y.C.Chen, The spt-function of Andrews, In: Surveys in Combinatorics 2017, 141-203, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser. 440, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2017.

  2. W.Y. C. Chen, D.X.Q. Jia and L.X.W. Wang, Higher order Turán inequalities for the partition function, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 372(3) (2019), 2143–2165.

  3. W.Y.C. Chen and K.Y. Zheng, The Log-behavior of np(n) and np(n)/n, Ramanujan J. 44 (2017), 281-299.

  4. M.L. Dawsey and R. Masri, Effective bounds for the Andrews spt-function, Forum Math. 31(3) (2019), 743-767.

  5. M.L. Dawsey and R. Masri, Inequalities satisfied by the Andrews spt-function, arXiv:1706.01814.

  6. M.L. Dawsey, New Results on Partitions, Prime Numbers, and Moonshine, Thesis (Ph.D.)–Emory University, 2019.

  7. S. DeSalvo and I. Pak, Log-concavity of the partition function, Ramanujan J. 38(1) (2015), 61-73.

  8. K. Gomez, J. Males and L. Rolen, The second shifted difference of partitions and its applications, arXiv:2203.11608.

  9. J.J.F. Guo, An inequality for coefficients of the real-rooted polynomials, J. Number Theory 225 (2021) 294–309.

  10. Q.-H. Hou and Z.-R. Zhang, r-log-concavity of partition functions, Ramanujan J. 48(1) (2019), 117-129.

  11. D.X.Q. Jia and L.X.W. Wang, Determinantal inequalities for the partition function, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, to appear.

  12. E.Y.S. Liu and H.W.J. Zhang, Inequalities for the overpartition function, arXiv:1808.05091.

  13. G. Mukherjee, Log-convexity and the overpartition function, Ramanujan J. 60(2) (2023) 517–531.

  14. L.X.W. Wang, G.Y.B. Xie and A.Q. Zhang, Finite difference of the overpartition function, Adv. in Appl. Math. 92 (2018) 51-72.

  15. L. Wang and N.N.Y. Yang, Laguerre inequalities for discrete sequences, Adv. in Appl. Math. 139 (2022) 102357.

  16. E.Y.Y. Yang, Laguerre inequalities and determinantal inequalities for the finite difference of the partition functions, arXiv:2312.10909.