A Franklin Type Involution for Squares

William Y.C. Chen and Eric H. Liu

  Abstract:  We find an involution as a combinatorial proof of a Ramanujan's partial theta identity. Based on this involution, we obtain a Franklin type involution for squares in the sense that the classical Franklin involution provides a combinatorial interpretation of Euler's pentagonal number theorem. This Franklin type involution can be considered as a solution to a problem proposed by Pak concerning the parity of the number of partitions of n into distinct parts with the smallest part being odd. Using a weighted form of our involution, we give a combinatorial proof of a weighted partition theorem derived by Alladi from Ramanujan's partial theta identity. This answers a question of Berndt, Kim and Yee. Furthermore, through a different weight assignment, we find combinatorial interpretations for another partition theorem derived by Alladi from a partial theta identity of Andrews. Moreover, we obtain a partition theorem based on Andrews' identity and provide a combinatorial proof by certain weight assignment for our involution. A specialization of our partition theorem is relate to an identity of Andrews concerning partitions into distinct nonnegative parts with the smallest part being even. Finally, we give a more general form of our partition theorem which in return corresponds to a generalization of Andrews' identity.

  AMS Classification:  05A17, 11P81

  Keywords:  Franklin type involution, Ramanujan's partial theta identity, Andrews' identity.

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