W.Y.C. Chen, A.L.B. Yang and E.L.F. Zhou,
Ratio monotonicity of polynomials derived from nondecreasing sequences,
Electron. J. Combin. 17 (2010) #N37.

Cited by

  1. W.Y.C. Chen, D.Q.J. Dou and A.L.B. Yang, Brändén's conjectures on the Boros–Moll polynomials, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 20 (2013) 4819-4828.

  2. W.Y.C. Chen and E.X.W. Xia, 2-log-concavity of the Boros–Moll polynomials, Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc. (2) 56 (2013) 701-722.

  3. D.Q.J. Dou and A.L.B. Yang, On the modes of polynomials derived from nondecreasing sequences, Electron. J. Combin. 18 (2011) Paper 1, 5 pp.

  4. L.A. Medina and A. Straub, On multiple and infinite log-concavity, Ann. Comb. 20 (2016) 125-138.

  5. Y.-T. Xie and S.-J. Xu, Nested unimodality, Australas, J. Combin. 69 (2017) 119-129.

  6. B.-X. Zhu, Log-concavity and unimodality of compound polynomials, Discrete Math. 313 (2013) 2602-2606.

  7. B.-X. Zhu and Q. Lu, Unimodality of the independence polynomials of some composite graphs, arXiv:1507.05754.