W.Y.C. Chen and K.Q. Ji,
Weighted forms of Euler's theorem,
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 114 (2007) 360-372.

Cited by

  1. G.E. Andrews and B.C. Berndt, Your hit parade: The top ten most fascinating formulas in Ramanujan’s lost notebook, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 55 (2008) 18-30.

  2. K. Banerjee and A. Dixit, New representations for σ(q) via reciprocity theorems, arXiv:1607.05651.

  3. C. de Grasse, Weighted forms of Euler's theorem, Master Thesis, Portland State University, 2007.

  4. K.Q. Ji, A combinatorial proof of Andrews'smallest parts partition function, Electron. J. Combin. 15 (2008) Note 12, 6 pp.

  5. Y.K. Li, H.T. Ngo and R.C. Rhoades, Renormalization and quantum modular forms, part I: Maass wave forms, arXiv:1311.3043.

  6. Y.K. Li, H.T. Ngo and R.C. Rhoades, Renormalization and quantum modular forms, part II: Mock theta functions, arXiv:1311.3044.

  7. T.H. Ngo and R.C. Rhoades, Integer partitions, probabilities and quantum modular forms, Res. Math. Sci. 4 (2017) Paper No. 17, 36 pp.

  8. A.E. Patkowski, On the q-Pell sequences and sums of tails, Czechoslovak Math. J. 67(142) (2017) 279-288.

  9. J.A. Sellers, Observations on the parity of the total number of parts in odd-part partitions, Integers 7 (2007) A35, 5 pp.

  10. E.A. Silva, Formas ponderadas do Teorema de Euler e partições com raiz: estabelecendo um tratamento combinatório para certas identidades de Ramanujan, Master Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2018.