W.Y.C. Chen and S.H.F. Yan,
Noncrossing trees and noncrossing graphs,
Electron. J. Combin. 13 (2006) #N12.

Cited by

  1. A. Asinowski and T. Mansour, Dyck paths with coloured ascents, European J. Combin. 29 (2008) 1262-1279.

  2. W.Y.C. Chen, T. Mansour and S.H.F. Yan, Matchings avoiding partial patterns, Electron. J. Combin. 13(1) (2006) Research Paper 112, 17 pp.

  3. T. Doslić and D. Veljan, Secondary structures, plane trees and Motzkin numbers, Math. Commun. 12 (2007) 163-169.

  4. N.S.S. Gu, N.Y. Li and T. Mansour, 2-Binary trees: Bijections and related issues, Discrete Math. 308 (2008) 1209-1221.

  5. L. Lv and S.X.M. Pang, A decomposition algorithm for noncrossing trees, Electron. J. Combin. 21 (2014) Paper 1.5, 14 pp.

  6. J. McCammond, Noncrossing hypertrees, arXiv:1707.06634.

  7. S.X.M. Pang and L. Lv, A refinement of leaves on noncrossing trees, Graphs Combin. 29(1) (2013) 131-143.

  8. G.N. Purohit, Enumeration of trees and of labelled trees, Preprint.

  9. Y.D. Sun and Z.P. Wang, String pattern avoidance in generalized non-crossing trees, Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. 11 (2009) 79-93.

  10. Y.D. Sun and Z.P. Wang, Consecutive pattern avoidances in non-crossing trees, Graphs Combin. 26 (2010) 815-832.