Cauchy Augmentation for Basic Hypergeometric Series
William Y. C. Chen and Amy M. Fu
We present a technique of
deriving basic hypergeometric identities from their
specializations with a fewer number of parameters
by using the classical Cauchy identity on the expansion
of the power of x in terms of the q-binomial coefficients.
We call method the Cauchy augmentation. Despite its
simple appearance, the Cauchy identity
plays a marvelous role for parameter augmentation.
For example, from
the Euler identity one can reach
the q-Gauss summation formula by using the
Cauchy augmentation twice. This idea also applies to Jackson's AMS Classification: 05A30,33D15. Keywords: Cauchy augmentation, Euler identity, Cauchy identity, Gauss identity, basic hypergeometric series, Jackson's transformation formula. Download: pdf |