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Cited by

  1. R.A. Brualdi, Combinatorial Matrix Classes, Encyclopedia Math. Appl. 108, Cambridge University Press, 2006.

  2. Y.C. Chen and A. Shastri, On joint realization of (0, 1) matrices, Linear Algebra Appl. 112 (1989) 75-85.

  3. A. Chernyak, Joint realization of (0,1) matrices revisited, Linear Algebra Appl. 174 (1992) 25-35.

  4. C. Durr, F. Guinez and M. Matamala, Reconstructing 3-colored grids from horizontal and vertical projections is NP-hard: a solution to the 2-atom problem in discrete tomography, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 26(1) (2012) 330-352.

  5. F. Guinez, Disjoint realizations of degree sequences and some applications to discrete tomograph, Ph.D. Thesis, Universidad de Chile, 2009.

  6. 金晶晶, 关于 Brualdi-Anstee 猜想, 长沙大学学报 28 (2014) 6-8.